VC Dinamo Moscow / News


Dynamo (Moscow) – Dynamo-Kazan - 0:3.

March 16, 2020
Dynamo (Moscow) – Dynamo-Kazan - 0:3.

    The match of the semifinal series, as expected, started very tense. The score was even: at first Yana Shcherban shone with attacks, but soon the main problem appeared. Samantha Fabrice, the diagonal striker of Kazan from Croatia was as effective as ever. She was the one who was trusted with important goals by Evgenia Startseva, and it was with her that the team earned points. 10: 15-the gap after another attack Fabrice becomes threatening. "Where is the block?" - the fans shouted from the stands, and Dynamo heeded the requests. Fabrice is blocked by a single block, and although Olga Biryukova scores, Fabrice is not so unshakable and already gets herself out on serve. The gap is reduced thanks to the attacks of Natalia Goncharova. Then Yana Shcherban brings an ACE on serve (16: 18), Kazan gets out on serve, and Goncharova manages to save, after which the main striker of Dynamo even dances with joy. The score of 18:18. A minute later, the Muscovites block Bethania de La Cruz-19: 18. But Samantha Fabrice is not asleep and under the calm dictation of Startseva scores from the edges. The exchange of attacks ends with the last word for Samantha. 23:25.

    In the second batch, the picture is similar. The Moscow club is more likely to catch up with its rivals. Passions are raging, Zeljko Bulatovich releases Marina Babeshina on the field. The key point discount from Babesanal, Biryukova gets out on the pitch, scored Natalia Goncharova. 18: 18 again, and the odds are even.

    Attacks Bethania de La Cruz, Maruhnich blocks Goncharov and jumping for joy. 18:20. Goncharova perfectly attacks around the block. 19: 20 – after that, a black streak begins for the Housewives. Arina Fedorovtseva, who replaced Olga Biryukova, scores. Then Fabrice Samantha completes the drawing. In the next draw, Kazan shows assertiveness and tenacity – all sorts of balls are insured, raised, an unpredictable ball is thrown by Startseva. Two more draws, and it's 19:25 on the scoreboard.

    In the third game, Lauren Carlini is back on the court. Zeljko Bulatovich releases Rusakova on the platform. But from the change of players ' places, the result did not change. It would seem that hope flickered at the end of the game. Again, the score is equal closer to the end, but a series of situations-controversial moments, unexpected attacks, such as from Arina Fedorovtseva (21:22) and a block from her against Goncharova (21:24) outweighs in favor of Kazan. 22:25.

Thus, Dynamo (Moscow) concedes 0:3 and loses the first semi-final match dry.

Post-match comments

Zeljko Bulatovic, head coach of Dynamo Moscow:
«There were moments when we played well. But we didn't score in the crucial moments. We could have won any game! I didn't have enough confidence in myself».

Rishat Gilyazutdinov, head coach of Dinamo-Kazan:
«I can't say that the match was easy. I congratulate our girls on their victory. Did his role Arina Fedorovtsev? Yes, I certainly did. I am happy with the game and the way the coaching instructions were executed. The next match for us is also very important, we will prepare for the game. It is already known that due to the situation, the match in Kazan will be held without spectators, only the administration of the clubs will be present».

Yana Shcherban, player Dynamo Moscow:
«Sadly. We played well, but we couldn't impose our game in the endings. There have been a lot of unpleasant defeats this season, but I think we need to show character, not look back and improve our game in the next match. Don't be pinned down, fight for every ball. We all know how to do it, we just need to show character at crucial moments. Failed with Samantha Fabrice».

Irina Koroleva, player Dynamo-Kazan:
«When we analyze the video game with Dynamo, we will be able to tell what exactly they failed to do. In the meantime, it feels like we played well, with a good overall game. Betania also played well, and our young Arina Fedorovtseva came out great! This resulted in a result».

Match report

Dynamo Moscow — Dynamo-Kazan 0:3 (23:25, 19:25, 22:25)

Dynamo Moscow: Goncharova 25 (attack 24/55, 1 block), Shcherban 9, Kritkova 8, Chaplina 5, Fetisova  4, Lyubushkina 2, Efimova 1, Carlini 1, Babeshina 1, Talysheva (л), Pospelova (л), Manziuk, Stolyarova, Havelkova. 

Dynamo-Kazan: Fabris 23 (attack 22/41, 1 ace), De La Cruz 11, Koroleva 10, Maryukhnich 4, Fedorovtseva 3, Startseva 2, Biryukova 1, Podkopaeva (л), Simanikhina (л), Cochyurina, Popova, Kadochkina.

Total – 64:75 (Attack– 48:43, Block– 6:8, Serve– 2:3, Errors – 16:31). 

Reception % (Positive / Excellent) – 41/36 : 56/39