VC Dinamo Moscow / News


Zinichev: to determine the places of the CR based on the results of the "regular season" is the worst decision

April 28, 2020
Zinichev: to determine the places of the CR based on the results of the "regular season" is the worst decision

 "I want to emphasize that Dinamo Moscow did not oppose the end of the Russian championship. I suggested two legitimate ways to resolve the issue — we sent these decisions to the Federation, and I voiced them in the press. And as a result, a third solution was found-illegal, with a change in the law, that is, the regulations on the Russian championship. I am very sorry, my disappointment is boundless. I'm disappointed not because of the Moscow "Dinamo" remained without medals. I am disappointed that the sporting principle was not followed and that the championship regulations were rewritten. This is an outrage," said Zinichev.